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Sandy's Kitchen Series

Sandy's Kitchen Series

Sandy's Kitchen series can show mother's love. Because its first product is Sandy's Kitchen abalone XO sauce whose founder is a mother.Through this series, you can enjoy safe, high-quality food and share the gourmet secrets from the mother's love. Meanwhile, Sandy's Kitchen series is to show the unique Hong Kong style food.

Sandy’s Kitchen鲍鱼XO酱  独具匠心工艺 绽放香港人情味

Sandy’s Kitchen鲍鱼XO酱

①Carefully selecting—Sandy's Kitchen abalone XO sauce ingredients are from the world's top of origin. The sauce must meet four standers includ: the color, smell, taste, shape.

②Cleaningcarefully cleaning ingredients, and  soaking the seafood to shed excess salt and restore water. Soaking time becomes the key.

③Handmade—After the ingredients are drying, they will be cut by the master. Among them, the Dried Scallop shoud be the key. You must manually torn them to be silk, and can not be too thick or thin.

④Special cooking—Keep moderate heat cooking ingredients for more than 100 minutes.  In order to heat evenly,the master have to mix the ingredients  in the sam direction. 

⑤High temperature heatingaccording to the food stander of Hong Kong department, we cook the sauce in 160 degrees temperature, which ensure the sauce safe.  

⑥Customized packaging—Specification of packaging process, vacuum sealing filling, the standard packaging for food.

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